Describe your timeline for collecting evaluation and outcome data. As you write your paper please review the APA 6e Guide

Identify you short, intermediate and long term goals identifying how you will evaluate each goal.
Describe your timeline for collecting evaluation and outcome data.
As you write your paper please review the APA 6e Guide.
Before finalizing your work, ensure that you have:
Responded to each requirement in the assignment and used the spelling and grammar check
Used APA format for organization, style, and source credits, including:
12-point, double-spaced Times New Roman font
One-inch margins on all sides
Normal character spacing
In-text citations
Title page and reference page (not included in page count)
Properly formatted headings (Introduction, Body, Conclusion, References)
When you’ve finished your assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit a copy to your instructor using the Assignment submission page. This assignment is due by the end of the workshop.
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