Determine the trends and patternsthat are apparent within the data. Support your response with examples from the data.II.Explain where there are gaps in the data.

Determine the trends and patterns that are apparent within the data. Support your response with examples from the data.II.Explain where there are gaps in the data. In your explanation,be sure toaddress the following:A.Describe the inaccuracieswithin the data. Support your description with examples from the data.B.Identify areas of noncompliance and explain why these areas are not compliant.C.Draw conclusionsabout why the data is not reliable. Consider the queries you used when extracting data through SQL and how the data was entered into the system.III.Based on your analysis, determine which regulationspertaining to patient safety and quality are violated.RubricGuidelines for Submission:This milestone should be 1.5 to 3pages in lengthwithdouble spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. You should submit the milestone as a Word document. All sources should be in APA format.Critical ElementsProficient(100%)Needs Improvement(75%)Not Evident(0%)ValueTrends and PatternsDetermines the trends and patterns that are apparent within the data, supporting response with examples from the dataDetermines the trends and patterns that areapparent within the data, but response lacks clarity or lacks connections to the provided data, or examples are not relevant orare nonexistentDoes not determine the trends and patterns that are apparent within the data18InaccuraciesDescribes the inaccuracies within the data, supporting description with examples from the dataDescribes the inaccuracies within the data, but description is cursory or examples are not relevantor are nonexistentDoes not describe the inaccuracies within the data 18NoncomplianceIdentifies areas ofnoncompliance, explaining why these areas are not compliantIdentifies areas ofnoncompliance, explaining why these areas are not compliant, but response lacks clarity or contains inaccuraciesDoes not identify and explainareas of noncompliance18