When will you take the time to write down your answers to life’s five great questions? When will you put your purpose on paper? Based on what you have learned in the study this week, what are principles that you can use to help the people you are serving in your practice?

What on Earth am I here for? by Rick Warren – Day 40
Optional: Listen to a message on this chapter: http://www.purposedriven.com/day40

Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Read day #40 of the text: What on Earth am I here for?
In an APA formatted paper, write a one-paragraph response to each of the following prompts:
Pastor Rick as he asks, “Will my life be about comfort or will my life be about character? What will be the character of my life?” How would you answer those questions.
When will you take the time to write down your answers to life’s five great questions? When will you put your purpose on paper?
Based on what you have learned in the study this week, what are principles that you can use to help the people you are serving in your practice?

USe the link below to complete the assignment and please do not copy and paste.. assignment needs to be in your own words

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