Explain the experience of the interviewee utilizing concepts, ideas and they from the study cultural psychology specifically. This is a critical element in the paper that is attached to a large number of points as indicated by the rubric. Focus on addressing criteria in the rubric as you compose the essay. Section headings are welcomed, as clear organization is expected. • include proper citations. Cite your interview as such (Smith Interview, 2018) for example. All other citations should be APA style.

Scholarly work should be utilized substantively throughout this paper to explain the experience of the interviewee utilizing concepts, ideas and they from the study cultural psychology specifically. This is a critical element in the paper that is attached to a large number of points as indicated by the rubric. Focus on addressing criteria in the rubric as you compose the essay. Section headings are welcomed, as clear organization is expected.
• include proper citations. Cite your interview as such (Smith Interview, 2018) for example. All other citations should be APA style.
Summary Conclusion Questions: Must answer all substantively
Plan to Adapt:
Suppose you just learned you are moving to your interviewee’s country of origin in six months for an indefinite stay.
For the first six months, you will live with a family from that culture. You will also attend school and work part-time.
How will you have to adjust your attitudes and behaviors in order to get along and have a positive experience during your semester abroad? Be sure to discuss your interviewee’s advice in your response.
Summary Conclusion Questions: Must answer all substantively
Plan to Adapt:
Suppose you just learned you are moving to your interviewee’s country of origin in six months for an indefinite stay.
For the first six months, you will live with a family from that culture. You will also attend school and work part-time.
How will you have to adjust your attitudes and behaviors in order to get along and have a positive experience during your semester abroad? Be sure to discuss your interviewee’s advice in your response.
Final General Questions:
What do you feel are the highlights of your learning in conducting this interview and writing this research paper?
What did you learn about yourself?
Interview Instructions and Sample Questions
The document Cultural Psychology Research Paper Interview Instructions provides a summary of the above instructions and a list of sample questions you are free to use or adapt.

The book we using is : Heine, S. J. (2016). Cultural psychology. 3rd Edition. New York: W.W. Norton.
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