Here you will be examining the following events in American History:
The Reagan Revolution
The End of the Cold War
The Gulf War
The Stock Market Crash of 1987
Choose one of the primary source documents from the topic list below. Using the primary source reading, answer the following questions.
Context (15 points):
Name of the document you chose to analyze
Who is the creator of the document?
Briefly describe the creator of the document. (To answer this question, you may need to use information obtained from the introduction to the source, or other course materials such as Intellipath or your Instructor.)
When and where was the document created? (Again, you may need to use information obtained from the introduction to the source, or other course materials such as Intellipath or your Instructor.)
Summary (20 points):
Write a brief summary of the source. (What is the topic or issue of the source? What are the creator’s main points about that topic? What is one interesting thing said in this source?)
Connections (10 points):
How does this source connect to the Unit 4 Learning Material? How does it help you better understand that moment in American History? (Here you want to think about how this source fits into the other material for the unit in the Lib Guide, Intellipath, or your Instructor.)
Does this source support what you already know about the topic? If so, how? Or does this source change the way you think about this topic? If so, how?
Issue Today (10 points)
Identify how the issue in the document relates to American life today. You will want to use specific examples to explain your points
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