Identify the hazards associated with this video simulation of the accident.

1. Identify the hazards associated with this video simulation of the accident.
2. Provide recommendations and controls to eliminate and mitigate the confined space identified hazards.
3. Create a Confined Space Program for this company to incorporate all your recommendations.
4. Update the company contractor selection criteria to incorporate safety performance. What safety indicators you will include in the contactor selection criteria; IR, DART, EMR, etc. Create a safety performance selection checklist with scoring criteria to ensure safety performance is incorporated in the overall contactor selection criteria.
Above is the instructions from my professor. Unfortunately, these are extremely vague and he doesn’t provide us with my information.
Everything is based off a 15 minute video. I copied the link and pasted it with the instructions above.
I am in school for Safety Science…Safety, Health, and Environmental Applied Sciences. That is the closest thing I found above in the subject field.
My paper needs to consist of…
Cover Page (I could provide if there is a charge-not necessary)
Table of contents (I could provide if there is a charge-not necessary)
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Background
3.0 Methods/Methodology
4.0 Findings
5.0 Recommendations
6.0 Conclusions
Reference page
Appendices – **this is where the Confined Space Program needs to be attached. This part should be no ore than one page
I INCLUDED MY REPORT 3. THIS REPORT IS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MATERIAL AND DOES NOT NEED TO BE THIS LONG. I discussed page numbers with someone but I lost the thread and she started it should be no longer than 15 pages. Honestly after doing much research and comparing information this paper needs to only be about 11-12 pages long. There is not amount of pages and or words required it just needs to have all the specific information and categories I submit.
I included the rubric and template he has on the school website and also the exact instructions with the 15 min. video. THIS VIDEO MUST BE WATCHED AND THIS IS HOW THIS ASSIGNMENT IS COMPLETED.
I also attached my report 3 which is the information is totally different that this paper but it shows exactly how he wants it set up. I received an 80% on this paper due to it being turned it late.