What is one nursing intervention you might implement based of your expected findings?

What is your research question? (you have already written this)
If you were to carry this research out, how would you accomplish this?
What would be the research design? (quantitative, qualitative, etc.)
How would you collect the data? What would this process look like?
How would you present the findings of your research? (journals, handouts, etc.)
What would be your time frame needed to research this problem / topic?
What would be your expected findings from your research?
What is one nursing intervention you might implement based of your expected findings?
Conclusion / Summary
This paper should be written using the writing rubric as a guide. The paper should be 8 pages total (including title page and references page) – so 6 pages of content, 1 title page and 1 reference page. 2-3 pages of this paper should already be written based on what you submitted in week #3 – we are simply adding a few additional pieces to it!