Who will benefit from the policy change? How will Seneca College (Scenario 1), or the School Community (scenario 2) benefit from the policy change or the info provided about AI in general.?

Provide background and summarize the problem: What situation led to your desire to write this letter/lecture? What is the problem?
Propose a solution: What are you proposing or asking for? You should propose a specific and realistic solution.
Identify the benefits: Who will benefit from the policy change? How will Seneca College (Scenario 1), or the School Community (scenario 2) benefit from the policy change or the info provided about AI in general.?
Minimize the resistance: What difficulties may arise in implementing the revised policy? What are the counter-arguments? How could the difficulties and counter-arguments be effectively addressed?
Ask for a specific action: What is your goal, wish, or intention? How would you like your reader to respond?