Who are the most important novelists, essayists, poets, poetesses or playwrights in the country you were assigned to?

Who are the most important novelists, essayists, poets, poetesses or playwrights in the country you were assigned to?
-Describe the artistic work of two people in two of the categories considered.
-Who are the most important female painters, painters, sculptors, sculptors, architects and architects in the country that you were assigned to? Describe the artwork of two people in two of the categories.
-What is the typical music and its instruments? What is the typical dance and its costumes? Who are famous songwriters or composers? Who are famous dancers, dancers, dancers from the country you were assigned to? It describes the dance with its costumes and the typical music with its instruments.
-What are the typical and unique dishes, food products (fruits, legumes, etc.) originating from the country assigned to you?
-Describe two typical and unique dishes of the nation assigned to you.
-What are the food products (fruits, vegetables, etc.) originating from the country assigned to you?
-Describe two products in this category.
Include at least four references of books or academic articles that have been obtained in a digital catalog of a university library.