I have two questions to critically analyse. Both are 500 words each and I have attached the course guide and course materials. Please use the course materials as well as any additional sources. There was no prescribed textbook, so please source and reference at your discretion. <br>Please use the abbreviated version of OSCOLA, it is included, <br>I have included the module guide and power-points as a reading guide, though would prefer to use reliable academic material to source and reference. Please use the course materials firstly, though secondary academic sources at your discretion. <br> <br>Q1. Marxist theories of law fail to understand the complexity of law and legal systems because they reduce everything to the class struggle.’<br> <br>Do you agree? Discuss what contribution, if any, Marxist theory can make to our understanding of law.<br><br>Q2. A recent advertising slogan claimed that “Equal pay is not enough. Women need more.”<br> <br>Critically discuss this statement in light of feminist legal theories.<br><br>Apologies, I couldn’t locate the Angela Davis journals articles in time.. if you can locate and use them if relevant, that would be appreciated.