Discuss the role of randomization and thedifferences in the treatment choices. Why did the authors rely on multiple

Summarize the article’s main finding and highlight the contribution you deem most impor-tant and most surprising.Compare any two experiments of the paper in your own words: who are the treated units,what is the response variable and what is the treatment? Discuss the role of randomization and thedifferences in the treatment choices. Why did the authors rely on multiple experiments?Discussconsiderationsofinternalandexternalvaliditythroughoutthewholestudy(allthreeexperiments), highlighting potential trade-offs in general and how they relate to the studies carried out.The paper presents group differences in a plot and discusses these in text. Pick one compar-ison and carry out step-by-step the hypothesis testing (with the𝛼value of your choice) for a differencein proportion.The paper discusses some differences between men and women. Present a brief outline ofa study that you would design to get a more detailed view of these differences and the potential reasonsbehind them.