Explain the data collection and sample constructs.,explain the modelandits variables and identify the databases used.

Define your research aim/problem and the context/setting of your research. Define your research questions or hypotheses and explain the theory you have applied to determine them.Explain, in practical terms alone, the research methodology and approach you have adopted toward achieving your research aim. Explain the data collection and sample constructs.For quantitative methods: explain the modelandits variables and identify the databases used.For qualitative methods: explain the conceptual model and identify your data sources. For mixed methods: a relevant combination or extract of the above. •Explain your approach to the analysis of the secondary data.For quantitative methods:discuss the statistical approach to analysis, validity, and significance; for qualitative methods: discuss the form on analysis (e.g.thematic, text, auto-ethnographic)and the trustworthiness and bias in the data and how you will attempt to mitigate these issues.Undertake the analysis and interpret the findings against your research questions or hypotheses. •Relate your findings to the theory you applied and draw academic conclusions on your research aim including the limitations of your approachand findings.•Provide a self-reflection of your experience of undertaking the above requirement including, if you so wish, the personal impact of change in lifestyle caused by Covid-19.