Discuss the pricing, product, promotion, and distribution of the new product or the expansion.

How do these key facts pertain to the new product launch or expansion of the company?
Describe the history and origins of the company. How does it relate to the new product or service approach, or company expansion being proposed? Be sure to give an overview of the company’s history.
Provide the company’s vision and mission statement and discuss how your proposal supports it.
Describe the company’s location and facilities (feel free to include pictures or graphics/maps of the location).
Describe the company’s management structure. How will it be impacted by your proposals?
Explain the company’s product/service mix.
Business Goals and Objectives:
List and describe three business goals/objectives that are key to the proposal of company expansion or new product/service launch. Provide sufficient detail on why these are important goals/objectives to the overall success of the initiative.
How does the expansion, or new product/service launch, support the vision and mission statement?
Describe the target market(s) for this new product/service or expansion.
Describe the industry in which the organization operates.
Analyze how product, price, place, and promotion relate to the new product or service being offered, or the company expansion.
Discuss the pricing, product, promotion, and distribution of the new product or the expansion.
Sales Strategy: Develop a sales strategy with goals, milestones, and deliverables for the new product or expansion.
Develop a sales forecast based on expected market conditions.
Outline how the business will launch the new venture and evaluate its possible successes and failures.
Summarize the overall strategy for successfully launching new product or expansion.
Outline the steps that will have to occur and timeframes/target dates that will be met for a successful implementation.
Control Plan: Develop a control plan to be used to evaluate the success of the company in meeting milestones.
Describe at least two possible risks that could occur in the implementation, and examples of how they could be mitigated.
Describe at least two key metrics that will be used to measure success or failure.
Organizational Structure:
Describe the organizational structure of the staff that will be needed to implement the new product or expansion. The following areas should be included:
Management Team
Employees Needed (what types of employees, and an estimate of how many)
Job Descriptions (these can be short summaries)
Financial Statements and Projections:
Develop projected financial statements for the first year of the new product/service or expansion. This section should include the following:
Capital/Investment Needs:
Estimate the capital and investment needs for the company. Be sure to discuss any equity contributions the company will need along with other start-up costs required.