How will telemedicine change the quality assurance among healthcare providers post covid in India by analysing the existing quality parameters?

i have chosen the topic “How will telemedicine change the quality assurance among healthcare providers post covid in India by analysing the existing quality parameters?” .

Considering that telemedicine is not a big part of healthcare delivery in India. Covid-19 has shown that it could be considered as an option. You want to look at what needs to be considered for India to adopt this approach for some consultations.

I suggest not getting to focused on the specific app or software

Be clear what you mean by telemedicine – it may be you are looking at an app for consultations rather than for training on carrying out remote surgery or diagnosing conditions by referring xrays and so on to specialists.

Consider if you want to focus on government or private healthcare providers as payment may be an issue for private providers – it might depend on what the literature says.

From a literature review could you look at what those who use an app find as advantages and disadvantages for an app. ? This might help with how you might plan for quality when moving to consultations via an app. This doesn’t mean that it is has to be in remote areas. It could be because of COVID-19 for example.

I suggest you try to narrow your question down by doing a scoping study. Then identify your key terms and do a systematic search. Once you identify primary research then you need to draw out the main themes and see what is important.

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