Describe a business organization for which you are proposing design of an information system.

Describe a business organization for which you are proposing design of an information system. Perform a brief research on similar existing systems and provide their background information. Some areas to investigate and report in the research include availability of off-the-shelf software, required technology platforms, cost issues, type of technology used in existing systems, etc.
Describe the business requirements of the proposed system. How would you elicit requirements of the system from the business information system stakeholders? Briefly discuss the functional requirements of the system. Describe the alternative system development methodologies (SDLC, prototyping, JAD, RAD, etc.) in the context of the proposed system and what would be the best approach for development.
Management would have several other projects to consider when authorizing approval of the proposed system. Since most organizations have limited resources, you would have to make a pitch for the proposed system. Discuss why your proposal is the one that should be funded, how the system would help the organization meets its business and strategic goals, and identify other benefits the system would provide for the stakeholders.