Describe the conflict and plot the main character or protagonist versus person, society, self, nature, machine, or supernatural

Make your review lively and interesting to read (grab the reader’s attention at the beginning, use interesting statements, quotes, anecdotes, etc).❑Make a heading that includes main facts such as author, title, publisher, year of publication, number of pages, cost, etc.❑Include a description of the setting and main characters.❑Describe the conflict and plot the main character or protagonist versus person, society, self, nature, machine, or supernatural.❑Give your assessment and opinion about the book. Answer questions such as would you recommend it, how did it affect you, what did you learn, what was the theme, was it consistent with your Christian worldview, was the writing of high quality, would you read it again, etc. This should be a well-constructed opinion.❑If you choose to watch the movie version after reading the book, write a section comparing the two: which was better, did the movie capture the essence of the book, were the characters portrayed well, and most importantly, what was different from the original book?❑Be sure the final copy isneat and clean, typed, carefully edited and proofread, a