Describe the current state of the HR function you have chosen to assess. What are the current policies and procedures? How were the current practices created?

Describe the organization’s overall structure and role. (How many people are in HR, what are their roles and responsibilities, where does the top HR executive fall in the company’s organization chart?)

Then describe the organization’s HR strategy, if one exists. Describe the role that the HR function plays in supporting the organizational strategy. Does HR participate in strategic planning? Is there a HR Plan based on the company’s business strategy?

Description of Selected HR Function – Current

Describe the current state of the HR function you have chosen to assess. What are the current policies and procedures? How were the current practices created? (Have they been using that performance evaluation form since the company was started back in 1952? Did they just introduce the new benefits plan?, etc…)

Analysis of selected HR Function

How is this function perceived by employees, managers, and HR staff? Do specific HR objectives related to this area exist? Does this function support the business strategy? Why or why not? Does this provide the company with any kind of competitive advantage? What is done well and what problems exist?