Discuss the author’s use of figurative language. Identify three examples of figurative language from the novel. Why did the author use these examples? What impact does the figurative language have on characterization, description of setting, mood, foreshadowing, theme, or the novel overall?

1. One of the most revealing types of conflict occurs when a character’s inner struggles are resolved at great personal price. Often, the character learns a lesson, but too late to help himself or another character. Explain how, in the work that you read, a character struggles. In your essay, focus on the conflict within the character. Be sure to include the price paid (if any) as part of the resolution and the lesson to be learned.

2. Authors often use descriptive details to develop a setting for several purposes. In an essay, explain how the setting of your book relates to events from the plot, relates to characters, or helps build suspense. You may write one body paragraph about each aspect of setting, or you may chose to elaborate on one particular aspect (plot, character, suspense) in multiple body paragraphs.

3. What is the theme of the novel? In your introduction, state a theme of the novel (remember that there can be dozens of themes in a novel, so there isn’t just one correct answer). In your thesis, explain how the theme is developed. In your body paragraphs, give specific examples of scenes from the novel in which the author developed the theme.

4. Discuss the author’s use of figurative language. Identify three examples of figurative language from the novel. Why did the author use these examples? What impact does the figurative language have on characterization, description of setting, mood, foreshadowing, theme, or the novel overall? In your essay, use a different example in each body paragraph. Be sure to explain the significance of each use of figurative language.