Analyze your chosen organization and its identified problems.

Define your approved organization as you wish in terms of the whole or of the part that is most relevant. In 1-2 pages, provide a description of two to three problems identified. Your description need not be elaborate, but should provide enough information to enable someone unfamiliar with the organizational issues to understand the essentials. This portion should be just the facts, a description, not an analysis of the key events. If using a personal workplace, feel free to disguise names of people and the organization if you desire.
After you have set the foundation, apply theories learned from the course to analyze your chosen organization and its identified problems. Utilizing the three perspectives, ensure clarity is evident on areas of which system, organizational environment, and changes as part of your analysis.
Lastly, provide a personal perspective that discusses what you would implement to address the problems to move the organization forward as part of the evolving changes for organizations today.