Evaluate how social factors, such as personal or professional values, influence both individual and population health. How does your worldview influence the way you provide health care at both the individual and population level? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.

1.5: Evaluate how social factors, such as personal or professional values, influence both individual and population health. How does your worldview influence the way you provide health care at both the individual and population level? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.

2.5: Evaluate the current political climate as it relates to health care and explain how politics influence health for both the individual and entire populations. Explain what types of positive impact the DNP can create through policy or advocacy. Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.

1.6: In creating a new community-based health program, what program development model would you use and why? What recommendations would you suggest to make the program successful and sustainable? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.

2.6: In reviewing the Affordable Care Act, what are potential effects of having the option for insurance coverage in both the private and public sectors? How will this impact the discussion about population-based nursing? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.

1.7: Provide an overview of the health promotion theory and program evaluation model you will use in your DPI Project. Explain your rationale for your choices. Provide any relevant literature to support your response.

2.7: What health-related need is present in your community? What health improvement program or methodology would you use to solve this problem and what would be a reasonable timeline for implementation? Provide examples of measures that APNs might use when collaborating with direct care nurses to implement evidence-based changes based on community health improvement programs. Provide any relevant literature to support your response.

1.8: Complete the “Cultural Competence Self-Assessment Checklist,” located in the Study Materials, and discuss what the checklist revealed to you about you and where you see opportunities for further personal growth and application in your practice. Evaluate your personal worldview in regard to health-related values and beliefs towards the underserved populations in your community. Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.

2.8: How is health literacy entwined with health promotion and disease prevention strategies, and how do these factors relate to general population health? As a DNP-educated nurse, what is your role in improving health literacy within the health care system? Provide examples and relevant literature to support your response.