Discuss potential ‘outcomes’, meaning that you consider how your decisions (implementation of your strategies) could impact on the company (eg. best-case, worst-case scenario, etc).

You’ll start by thinking about ‘issues’- this means that after reading through the company report and doing some preliminary research to understand the company’s situation (eg. through your SWOT analysis), you’ll need to consider what are the issues that the company is currently experiencing (eg. any current/potential challenges or opportunities that you’ll highlight as being the most vital to the company’s success?).

Next, the ‘analysis’ part is for you to think about why these issues are so important to the company. Your analysis should discuss how these issues may potentially impact on the company (eg. whether they are urgent/immediate or something relevant for the longer term, etc.)

Then, present your ‘decisions’… meaning that you identify alternative or new strategies that the company should adopt in order to resolve the problems/challenges (or to take advantage of the opportunities), etc.

Then finally, as conclusion, you discuss potential ‘outcomes’, meaning that you consider how your decisions (implementation of your strategies) could impact on the company (eg. best-case, worst-case scenario, etc).