What are the internal and external driving forces affecting attrition and employee retention?

1. Problem definition (What are the internal and external driving forces affecting attrition and employee retention?)
2. Population definition (my team member and I surveyed employees in different departments working in our organizations)
3. Survey instrument(we used survey monkey to set up the questions and collect and analyze the data)
a. Develop approx. 8 to 10 questions (I’ll attach the questions we used in the survey and I will attach both of our results)
b. Administered using Survey Monkey (I will attach the data results)
c. Must have a total of 20 responses(we had a total of 32 responses, 10 responses from me and 20 from my team member)
4. Charts/graphs for results(The charts and graphs were created via survey monkey, I’ll attach a link).
5. Analysis of your data using charts, graphs, and narrative
6. Provide a summary of results and reflection on the project.