Identify Independent Variable-the test that is being performed,Experimental Group-the group receiving the test

Bio110-Experimental Design

To test a hypothesis in a controlled experiment, scientists will need to identify the following variables:
Independent Variable-the test that is being performed
Experimental Group-the group receiving the test
Control Group-the group not receiving the test (baseline or placebo)
Dependent Variable-the outcome that is being measured
Standardized Variables-the conditions that are kept the same between the experimental and control groups during the test
For this assignment, please watch these two videos:
Then go to a scientific journal of your choice and pick 1 article from the many on the webpage:
der the heading “Research Articles” on the webpage—those are the research articles)
Then, for your article, please identify below the
Testable Prediction
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Standardized Variables
Experimental Group
Control Group
Data that supported or disproved the hypothesis

On the back of this page, please provide the title of your article and the items above.
Turn in this worksheet to the turn in link, and then post a video on flipgrid about why you chose your article, what the article was about, and if you found anything interesting about the research in it. While you are speaking, you can use this worksheet as a cheat sheet for your talk. Last, please respond to at least two other students’ videos. You may turn this is by Monday at midnight.
The turned in worksheet will be your grade, and the video will help us start socializing in our Bio110 class!

Title of your paper



Testable Prediction

Independent Variable

Dependent Variable

Standardized Variables

Experimental Group

Control Group

Data that supported or disproved the hypothesis
