In your own words, describe your approach to negotiating: about what do you typically think and what do you usually do when faced with a negotiation or with a conflict that could benefit from negotiating?

Write a paper that describes and analyzes your approach to negotiation and conflict as it exists prior to our
first class. The analysis in this paper will give you a baseline for measuring your altered beliefs and improved
performance at the end of the term. In your paper, address all the following questions, in the following order:

1. Inyour opinion, what attributes orbehaviors differentiate “good” negotiators from “poor”
negotiators? (2points)
2. In your own words, describe your approach to negotiating: about what do you typically think and
what do you usually do when faced with a negotiation or with a conflict that could benefit from
negotiating? Only describe your approach here; do not criticize it or praise it here; justtell me what
you do. (3 points)
3. In your own words, critique your approach to negotiating: what’s right and what’s wrong with your
approach and why? That is, in what ways does your approach help you achieve important goals,
protect you from rotten outcomes, or alternatively, lead you to rotten outcomes orresult in missed
opportunities? (3 points)
4. What aspects of your approach are you hoping to improve through this course? (2 points)

This paper cannot exceed five, double-spaced pages in length. This paper is due September 4th at the
beginning of class (1:10 pm) and should be submitted into the Assignments folder on Blackboard. Any paper
submitted after the start of class will be counted as one day late