What is Schizophrenia and it’s hypothesis’s and then proceed to writing if its a neurodevelopment disorder, and how that differs from the other hypothesis’s ( like used to desire schizophrenia. Also include how genes influence behaviour specific to Schizophrenia.

It is imperative for the writer to be extremely well adept in Psychology, as it is a final term paper. Along with that it is also extremely important for the writer to go through the slides attached and use wider reading in order to answer the question. The assessment is for a fairly complicated area “Neuroscience & Behaviour”, I have also attached some additional papers to aid the writer helping with the assessment. Please include AS MANY EVIDENCES as you can to prove the point. Thanking the writer in advance for their effort and time and also asking them to answer the question cautiously using all the scientific terms required. The marking-rubric is attached below as well, please be cohesive and clear with the argument provided. ALL THE ASPECTS NEEDED TO BE ANSWERED, is provided in the second-last slide, of “Schizophrenia developmental Hypothesis” and the reading in the last slide. I have provided a few of them mentioned below. Please start with what is Schizophrenia and it’s hypothesis’s and then proceed to writing if its a neurodevelopment Schizophrenia disorder, and how that differs from the other hypothesis’s ( like used to desire schizophrenia. Also include how genes influence behaviour specific to Schizophrenia. Please use Academic specific Language yet still simple language. Please don’t include citations in the 1650 word count.