Discuss the ways in which the formation, structure and performance of teams in a project can result in an optimal performance.

Question 1:

The following tasks, labelled A to J, need to be completed in order to undertake a product review for a small business. The durations of tasks are measured in days and the costs of tasks are in hundreds of pounds sterling.

Administrative and accommodation overheads including project management fees are £150 per day for the duration of the project.


Find the critical path, duration and total cost for this project.
(35% of marks)

If each task requires one reviewer then, assuming that all tasks take place at their earliest start times, how many reviewers are required for the project?
(25% of marks)

Is it possible to change activity start and finish times so as to reduce the number of reviewers required:
Without making the project any longer?
Without increasing the length of the project by more than five days?

Explain carefully why, or why not.

Are there any advantages or disadvantages in implementing your findings? If so, explain them.
(40% of marks)

Total: 100% of Marks

Question 2:

The following tasks are required to be completed in order to undertake a program board review. The durations are measured in days and the costs are in £:

For example, ‘Task A’ would normally take 6 days at a cost of £200. It can be crashed to a minimum possible duration of 4 days at an extra cost of £20 per each day crashed.

Management and other administrative overheads are estimated to be £110 per day for the duration of the project.


Construct a network diagram for the project if all tasks are to be completed as soon as possible and at their normal durations. What is the total cost of the project?
(30% of marks)

Crash the project to a minimum duration at the lowest possible cost. What is this
lowest total cost? (60% of marks)

Identify the lowest total cost solution. What is this total cost? (10% of marks)

Total: 100% of marks

Question 3

The nine ‘Belbin’ team roles are: Plant, Resource investigator, Coordinator, Shaper, Monitor evaluator, Team worker, Implementer, Completer and Specialist.

Discuss the ways in which the formation, structure and performance of teams in a project can result in an optimal performance.

Give clear examples to illustrate your answer.

Total: 100% of Marks