Discuss,On the “Yes” side, what was the historian’s strongest piece of evidence or line of reasoning?

Read the two PDFS attached – PDF ‘Another such Victory’ is the ‘YES’ side.

Yes: “’Another Such Victory’: President Truman, American Foreign Policy and the Cold War.”

PDF ‘The Cold War in Stalin’s time’ is the ‘NO’ side
No: “The Cold War in Stalin’s time.

Answer the following questions:

1. On the “Yes” side, what was the historian’s strongest piece of evidence or line of reasoning?

2. What was his or her weakest evidence or line of reasoning?

3. On the “No” side, what was the historian’s strongest piece of evidence or line of reasoning? What was his or her weakest evidence?

4. Which historian do you think made the strongest overall case?

5. What are your reasons for this conclusion?