Review and reflect on an ethical situation involving a new graduate LPN.

The four sources must be academic. Instructions and case study containing the questions requiring answering in the paper are attached with an excerpt below. The paper is meant to answer a series of ethical questions. The title is up to you. Use the Rubric for guidance (a five would be great naturally!) , and I trust your best judgment in the interpretation and execution. Thank you so much!

Ethical practice is a key component to nursing practice. It is imperative that the practical nursing student is not only intellectually aware of the various kinds of ethical situations they may encounter but is also able to identify those situations as they arise. This assignment is designed to have you review and reflect on an ethical situation involving a new graduate LPN.

Instructions: Review the accompanying case study and respond to the questions after each part. Present your answers in an APA style paper, including an introduction and conclusion, to your instructor. Included in the paper should be a definition of ethics in general and nursing ethics in particular. Utilizing appropriate evidence is also a vital component to ethical care and as such you will be required to provide a minimum of 4 academic references within your paper.