Discuss how your research will contribute to the field of education/educational leadership.

Many scholars utilize mini-research proposals to summarize their initial thoughts on how to carry out a study. It is a good starting point for scholar-practitioners as well, as it requires addresses all the steps of the research process.
You have had the opportunity to think about a problem of practice in the prior SLP assignments. Now you will practice writing a mini-proposal. Decide if you will utilize a quantitative or qualitative approach and briefly address the following components:
• Title: provide a title for your proposal.
• Rationale: include your research problem and the context for why this is needed (refer to the literature).
• Research Question(s): list research questions (make sure they are appropriate to your research method).
• Methodology: discuss the overall approach (quantitative or qualitative) and design (e.g. qualitative case study, quantitative survey), sources of data, participants, data collection.
• Significance: discuss how your research will contribute to the field of education/educational leadership.