Discuss one health initiative within your paper/presentation as described below and how it relates to your topic.

Faculty believe that writing and professional presentations are invaluable, creative learning opportunities that can help students learn difficult concepts related to the nursing curriculum.
Each student will develop an evidence based practice (EBP) paper and presentation emphasizing best practices on an assigned topic related to course & clinical content.
Topics must be approved by course faculty.
For more info watch What is EBP (3 & ½ minute video)

The grading rubric specifies how points are allotted for the paper and presentation.
See method of evaluation in the course syllabus regarding the percentage of grade allotted to this assignment.

The paper will include the Title Page, 2-3 pages for the Main Body of the paper, and a Reference list.
The paper must include a minimum of 2 professional nursing articles published within the past 5 years.
Articles must be research or evidence based, preferably from nursing journals but may be from a related health field if appropriate for the topic. Opinions, blogs, editorials, etc. are not research or evidence based.
Each article must have a minimum of one nurse author
QCC Library Research Process Guide:
Discuss one health initiative within your paper/presentation as described below and how it relates to your topic. See specific health initiative per course: