Discuss the case and address the legal issue that caused the Exclusionary Rule to be implemented.

San jociquin Vall ‘oii ..„,„ Exclusionary Rule (CLO 5) Ho!H Ho111H,11,1 11111111, 1
Directions: In a five minute PowerPoint presentation, define and provide a historical background of the Exclusionary Rule. Then, choose a criminal case in recent history (last 10 years) where the Exclusionary Rule has been applied. Discuss the case and address the legal issue that caused the Exclusionary Rule to be implemented. What was the outcome of the case and do you believe that the exclusion of evidence contributed to to °111 Why or why not? You will be graded on the content of your research, your presentation skills. and time.
• Length: 8-10 minutes 41,11111,111iHili.1 Ili • 1’,1111 111 1III!II1I!IIIIIP1I�I1�II1III1�i�I1!II11111111111,1,10,1 Required Slides: 10 slides mum excludinc, title and efere ice slide ‘ 110111111111110111’1’11041’1″4″”‘”””””’ • Citations and reference page are required foi all re ouices 11 • Professional formatting on each slide
Presentation formatting requirements
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Submit your completed PowerPoint presentation to the Exch. si ‘””.1!! 11’III

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