Discuss the importance of a current and controversial bioethical issue to healthcare and the current or emerging dynamics of this ethical issue in the healthcare environment.

The signature assignment in this course is the Bioethical Issue Paper. The paper will address the importance of a current and controversial bioethical issue to healthcare and the current or emerging dynamics of this ethical issue in the healthcare environment.

The scholarly paper will include an introduction paragraph, the issue and its dimensions, bioethical principles, ethical/cultural dynamics (consideration of your profession’s Code of Ethics), nursing profession/policy (see below), and the writer’s recommendations/ personal views. Concrete examples and illustrations will be an important part of this paper as they are in any ethical discussion. The policy section must indicate current local and/or national policies, and professional organization’s policy on this issue and any recommendations or suggestions you may have for modification or changes. These recommendations will then be used in the Bioethical Issues Advocacy Presentation assignment. Be sure to use “page break” and subheadings.

Seek help from a librarian! Papers from students who have utilized a librarian are set apart, as librarians are very good at helping students (APU, CHLA, USC, Kaiser, etc.).

Look at the “Reference” page(s) of each of your submitted references. Within each of these citations are likely further gems to support your paper. Do not hesitate to contact authors of these citations as they may lead you to even more current and relevant articles on your issue.

11-15 pages in length, excluding title page and reference
Grading: 100 points, 25%
See Appendix C Grading Rubric, Sample Paper, and “Writing Center Coach”
The APU Writing Center (WC) has been provided for this course to assist you in writing the Bioethical Issue Paper. The WC is available as a consultant for the purpose of developing your writing skills as you formulate this paper. All students are required to meet with the APU WC at least two times during the semester; the first time must be between Weeks 9-10 and the second time must be between Weeks 12-14; however, you are welcome to make any additional appointments per week with the APU Writing Center at any time throughout the semester. To make an appointment, visit apu.mywconline.com (Links to an external site.), register for an account using your APU email address, log in to your account, and look for any “writing coach” under the Online & Regional Campus – Spring 2020 drop-down schedule (click hereLinks to an external site. to view instructions on how to make an online appointment and other FAQs). Once you make an appointment (be sure to make a 45-minute appointment), simply log back in to the WC Online system at your scheduled appointment, click on your appointment, and click on “Start or Join Online.”