Which of the three value bases for environmental concerns (self-interest, humanist altruism, or biospheric altruism) would you consider yourself and why?

Using the ideas and definitions presented in your CH1 Reading “The Lorax complex” which of the three value bases for environmental concerns (self-interest, humanist altruism, or biospheric altruism) would you consider yourself and why? Your page should be formatted as follows: Times New Roman format, Font sized 12, 1 inch margins on all four sides, Before and after paragraph spacing set to zero. New paragraphs should have a 0.5 inch tab. Double spaced. I will grade your essay on your ability to follow the formatting instructions in Microsoft Word. I will grade your essay on your ability to assign yourself a value base and explain it using concepts and ideas from the article. All of the information should be coming from this article and put in your own words. I would like the essay to be a minimum of 500 words (again, this is the body of the essay itself, it doesn’t include the top of the page information or the essay title). I will not take off points if you go over 500 words.