Develop a research question on a focused topic and identify sources. Write an explanation of the process of locating sources.

At this time I am tasked to complete part one of a three part assignment.
Developing a theme: I have though about developing a question as it applies to the theme of: Origins of the European Union. I will leave it up to you the writer to develop a question question for the assignment as is involves the theme. The question will carry over to apply in part two and three going forward.

Course title is: History western civilization II

Note the following:
Research in History Project: About this project
Attached Files:
File Turabian Quick Guide (23.076 KB)
File Writing Tips (26.022 KB)
Scroll down the page to find detailed instructions, templates, and rubrics for each part of the project.

The purpose of this project is to:

Reinforce competency in Information Literacy.
Introduce the process of identifying, locating, and evaluating sources for research in history.
Acquaint students with search tools and databases used for research in history.
Introduce the Turabian style for source citation.
Improve writing skills by providing students with an opportunity to respond to instructor feedback with revisions.
The project will be completed in three separate assignments (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) which will build upon one another. These three assignments or parts will guide the student through the initial stages of research used for a college-level history research paper without actually writing the paper.

Each assignment will be submitted and graded separately. Students may not submit Part 2 or Part 3 until after they have submitted and received instructor feedback to the preceding part(s).
Also note as an FYI I have in previous research assignments in this course have had to include a conclusion as part of the assignment.

Part 1: Develop a research question on a focused topic and identify sources. Write an explanation of the process of locating sources.
Due no later than 11:59 p.m. on Monday of Module/Week 2.

Part 2: Revise the research question and source list based on instructor feedback. Compile a properly formatted bibliography. Write an explanation of the process of revision, evaluating sources, and formatting.
Due no later than 11:59 p.m. on Monday of Module/Week 5.

Part 3: Revise the bibliography based on instructor feedback. Write an evaluation of three sources and a concluding reflection on the research process.
Due no later than 11:59 p.m. on Monday of Module/Week 7.