Critique how the social worker handled the discussion of confidentiality.

For parts 2) and 4), please incorporate other relevant, outside readings to the responses.
2. Provide a critique on the Common Assignment Video (located in the 2FOR Tool Box for online students and located on the blackboard course page for face to face students) on the demonstration of skills (or lack of skills) of practicing from a non-judgmental approach. (3-4 pages) [NOTE – for online students, you must complete Module 5 before you are able to access this video]
a) Critique the beginning of the session on how the social worker began the session.
b) Critique how the social worker handled the discussion of confidentiality.
c) Find five places in the video where the social worker is not practicing from a nonjudgmental approach.
3. After completing your critique, you are required to work in pairs for a role-play and to do the following: Conduct a role-play in which you demonstrate the corrective actions or improvements that you would make as a social worker conducting the session shown in the video. Social Work Skills Lab 11 Each student is responsible to upload his or her own video of themselves as the social worker role-playing with another student playing the client. This can be done on Zoom or in-person with a third party videotaping. The video should be no longer than 5 minutes, and should not exceed 128MB (recording in Zoom will help keep the file size down).
4. Write a reflection critiquing your effectiveness at applying a non-judgmental stance during your role-play. (3-4 pages) Please incorporate a minimum of 5 outside references in your critique. APA format must be followed. Your final paper and video recording should be uploaded to the proper page in the Assignments & Exams unit in 2FOR.