Discuss:In adult patients with open wounds,does the treatment using ordinary tap water compared to normal saline to lead to better and faster wound healing?

Topic: PICOT question: In adult patients with open wounds,does the treatment using ordinary tap water compared to normal saline to lead to better and faster wound healing?

Paper details:

1. Please write 4 pages(not including cover and reference page).
2. List 3-5 keywords and/or subject heading search terms you used for the initial systematic search include Boolean connectors.
3. List the 2-3 databases you used with rationale for use.
4. Describe your basic search yield and how you revised your Picot or search terms to narrow your focus.
5. A conclusion paragraph of your own thoughts during the process about how your topic is linked to nursing.
6.Reference citations in APA style. Cite 3-5 primary research articles(no older than 4-5 years}
7. Include an Appendix of at least 5, no more than 10 primary research articles from your literature search reflected as an annotated bibliography.