Discuss:The Difference Between Strategic Planning and Strategic Thinking

The Difference Between Strategic Planning and Strategic Thinking (Links to an external site.)
The Difference Between Strategic Planning and Strategic Thinking

This short video will introduce students to strategic planning in brief. After viewing the video, you are to discuss your efforts as a leader in your organization responsible for planning projects. As a project leader, you are expected to ensure your team members understand the goal, their role, the processes, and how team members are expected to interact. Similarly, as a team member, you should understand expectations and how you are to contribute to the effort. Describe a time when you were a team member or leader taking part in a planning effort. What was the project? What went well? What did not go well? What aspects of the planning effort would you have changed?

Your response should be a minimum of 250 words and should address each of the questions presented.

***** I am currently a Principal at a Charter Middle School for “at-risk students”. The school is small with a small staff. Please include this information if you can.