Why might it be important to forgive if we are moving on in the relationship?

Read the following and then answer the questions that follow. This is a journaling assignment so please make sure to complete your work in a question, answer, question, answer format and properly quote, cite and reference your work. Make sure to build support for your thought process.
Please go to Files on your right side menu, select “Course Files” and then “Journal Article” category to read the following article: Wk2Forgiveness.pdf Answer the following questions: Question 1: Why might it be important to forgive if we are moving on in the relationship?
Answer 1: Question 2: Why might it be important for us to forgive if we are ending the relationship? Answer 2:
Question 3: The article states toward the top of page 2: “Theorists increasingly conceptualize forgiveness as an interpersonal process, rather than an individual decision (Fincham & Beach, 2002).” What might this mean? Why might this be important? Answer 3: Question 4: What did you learn from the study and how might you incorporate this into your communication with others? Answer 4:
Kelley, D. L., & Waldron, V. R. (2005). An investigation of forgiveness-seeking communication and relational outcomes. Communication Quarterly, 53(3), 339-358.