Explain when it is appropriate to use a Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.Using academic sources

Using academic sources, explain when it is appropriate to use a Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.
What are the assumptions of a Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient analysis?
Using academic sources, explain when it is appropriate to use a Spearman’s Rank Correlation analysis.
A Sports Therapist is interested in the relationship between players’ thigh girth and single leg hop performance of the dominant leg. Conduct the appropriate statistical test of relationship on the following data set (remember to check assumptions);

Thigh Girth Single Leg Hop
57.8 166.9
54.5 169.7
56 119.2
56 133.3
52 147.6
53.5 136.7
50 152.8
51 132.6
55 142.7
49.5 134.5
53 166.6
48 166.1
48 142.7
50 134.1
55 147.6
54 137.4
46 136.6
47 136.4
52 131.8
53.5 131.1
50 146.7
51 152.5
55 167.8
49.5 138.6
56 148.8
56 158.6
48 164.0
48 135.7
55 144.9

Present this data in an appropriate graph.
Present the findings of your analysis using the appropriate text. What do your results tell the Sports Therapist?

Part B

1. Using academic sources, explain when it is appropriate to use a Chi Squared test.
2. What are the assumptions of a Chi Squared analysis?
3. Conduct the appropriate statistical analysis on the following data set;

Injury Prevention? Injured? Count
Yes Yes 30
Yes No 415
No Yes 35
No No 170

4. Present the findings of your analysis using appropriate text.

5. Save BOTH the data file (*sav) and output file (*spo). These files need to be saved in a safe place as staff can request to view these files for proof of work completed.