Explain whether Tina’s behavior is considered bullying and what, if any, legal consequences may be applicable. What changes would you, as an HR representative, recommend to improve the atmosphere in this work environment?

To prepare for this Assignment:

Submit your responses to the following prompts.

Select one of the following antidiscrimination legislations:

Equal Pay Act of 1963
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974
Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Civil Rights Act of 1991
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994
Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 2004
Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

Based on the legislation you selected, explain the impact of this historically significant legislation on HR practices. Specifically, in 150 words (2 paragraphs):

What is significant about this legislation?

What are the behaviors that led to this legislation being adopted?

What penalties may be assessed for violating it?

Illustrate the role of HR in addressing discriminatory behaviors. Specifically, in 150 words (2 paragraphs):

Define two types of discrimination.

For each type of discrimination, provide an example of how an HR manager could implement measures to prevent the discrimination or address the discrimination if it were to occur.

For the following question, refer to the “Case 3-1 English Only: One Hotel’s Dilemma” PDF (also located in this week’s Learning Resources).

Does this policy violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act? Why or why not? (75 words, or 1 paragraph)

For the following question, consider the “John and Amala Scenario” PDF (also located in this week’s Learning Resources):

Based on this scenario, identify at least three inappropriate or illegal behaviors that Mr. Brian exhibited in this interview. For each behavior, explain why it was inappropriate or illegal and how he could have avoided or corrected his mistake. (150 words, or 2 paragraphs)

For the following questions, consider the “Melvin, Julie, and Tina Scenario” PDF (also located in this week’s Learning Resources):

Explain whether Tina’s behavior is considered bullying and what, if any, legal consequences may be applicable. What changes would you, as an HR representative, recommend to improve the atmosphere in this work environment? (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)

What constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace?
What are some potential consequences of this type of behavior occurring within an organization, and how can HR play a role in addressing and preventing sexual harassment? Provide specific examples to support your answer. (75–150 words, or 1–2 paragraphs)

Explain at least four components of diversity in addition to race and culture. Describe some groups or characteristics that may be represented in today’s workplace, as well as the benefits they can bring to an organization. (150 words, or 2 paragraphs)

Analyze the use of diversity programs and their effectiveness within organizations. In your analysis, describe the benefits and challenges of implementing a diversity program and the importance of having a set of guiding best practices. Are there better ways to promote diversity in an organization than diversity programs?
Provide one or two examples of alternatives and explain your rationale for selecting them. (150–225 words, or 2–3 paragraphs)

Note: For each prompt, be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer.