Describe your story as if you are painting a picture for your reader – show the reader instead of telling.

Instructions for Paper:

WRIT 101
Instructor: Kinnaman

Inquiry Project #1: Place Identity Essay Assignment

Turn in to D2L WRIT 101 under Assignments

You have read TWO of the four supplemental readings:

• Safe on the Southbank
• How Ramen Got Me Through Adolescence
• What I Learned in the Locker Room
• Milwaukee’s Divide Runs Right Through Me

These readings should have given you the basics of your goal for this assignment.

• Consider how the physical surroundings where you grew up and spent your time have contributed to who you are today.
• You can expand beyond simply physical surroundings, perhaps there’s a memory that has significance, such as being tucked under a quilt that Grandma made for you.
• Include details that add to the story, but stay on track
• Describe your story as if you are painting a picture for your reader – show the reader instead of telling.
• Write vividly, using all your senses: what do you smell, taste, touch, hear, or see?
• Revise, edit, and proofread – don’t have unnecessary words that are just “filler” or “fluff” – every word should have a reason for being in your essay.

And don’t forget the basics of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formatting. This is an academic paper and your first recorded grade in WRIT 101.

Include the following:

 A richly developed description of a place or memory of meaning in your life
 An insightful analysis in which you discuss the implications of your experiences there and on your character today
 A conclusion including reflection: How has your identity been influenced by the place where you formed your identity?

2-3 pages double spaced; MLA format
(There is an example on page 137 of your Little Seagull Handbook.)

You MUST have a MEANINGFUL title (NOT “Inquiry Essay #1 or Place Identity)
See WRIT 001 Content>Resources & Reference Material for more tips & guidance.

NOTE: Your submission MUST BE A WORD DOC. Anything else will be rejected.

Information about me:
*Grew up on a 5 generation family guest ranch in Gardiner, MT
*I run the guest ranch, which is next to Yellowstone National Park
*I rodeo and hunt