Describe your chosen work of design. What is it, where do people see it, what does it consist of, and what is the goal of the message? Name the principle of design that you feel the art director is applying to this message.

Task: Write an essay analyzing the appropriateness of a design principle covered in your assigned LinkedIn Learning videos to enhance the goal of a selected mass communication message or work of design. problem-solving and critical thinking skills are necessary.
1. Watch LinkedIn Learning: “Graphic Design Foundations: Layout and Composition,” by Sean Adams (Links to an external site.) before starting this assignment.
2. Search online or in printed publications or periodicals for examples of works of design (ads, posters, music album artwork, book covers, that match one of the design principles covered in the assigned videos.
3. Consider how and why the art director of that work of design chose to apply the principle of design to enhance the goal of the message.
4. Write a 300-word analysis essay, in Times New Roman font, 12-point type size, double-line spacing, and 1-inch margins:
a. First paragraph is an introduction of what you plan to write about. Describe your chosen work of design. What is it, where do people see it, what does it consist of, and what is the goal of the message? Name the principle of design that you feel the art director is applying to this message.
b. Second paragraph should cite evidence from the assigned videos stating how and why your chosen design principle enhances the message of the work of design. Does it appeal to the target audience, does it match the subject matter, does it work to further the goal of the message.?
c. Third paragraph should summarize or “wrap up” the essay in a satisfying way. In other words, the three paragraphs should, “tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you’ve told them.”
d. Copy-and-paste a digital image of your selected work of design in your word-processed document. To avoid large files, resize images to 72 dpi resolution, or 1000 pixels maximum width and height.
5. Upload files in the following formats only: Microsoft Word documents (.doc or .docx), Adobe Reader files (.pdf), Apple Pages (.pages), rich text format (.rtf) or plain text documents (.txt). Images must be copied-and-pasted into the document.
6. Post your first-draft in the Module 1 Discussion Forum (REQUIRED!) for reciprocal, constructive feedback from classmates and instructor.
7. Incorporate any changes suggested by your classmates if you feel it will improve your work, and post a revised draft in the Module 2 Discussion Forum