Identify the type of research you are doing and why (i.e., qualitative or quantitative?

The overall structure for this section:
Introductory paragraph: This provides the content and overall range of topics that this chapter will discuss, and the order in which you will do so (e.g., First I will discuss….Secondly, I will review, Lastly I will…etc.). Make sure that the way you order the topics that you will discuss in this paragraph, is the way that you order and discuss each topic in the chapter.
Identify the type of research you are doing and why (i.e., qualitative or quantitative?
State the sampling method you are using and why?
State the data collection method you are using and why (i.e., surveys, interviews)? Clearly identify, explain, and justify the instruments that you developed to collect your data. If you are conducting quantitative research, you need to identify which survey items, experimental stimuli, and/or content codes correspond to/measure your variables. If you are conducting qualitative research, then clearly describe and justify the types of questions you asked (e.g., semi-structured, open ended), as well as whether all participants were asked the same question and in the same order.
Clearly identify the ethical implications of your data collection method, and discuss how you specifically addressed them.
State your data analysis method/procedure. (How did you go about analysing your data, and why?
Note: In this chapter, you need to have a separate section for 1) sampling method, 2) data collection methods and ethics, and 3) data analysis method. In all instances, be sure to engage with and cite the appropriate methods literature to support your claims and justification. Do not rely on one or two sources, but rather engage with a broad range of relevant methods sources.
***Research Question:
What do the responses of Weibo users in public discussions related to celebrity suicides implicate the general public’s attitude towards depression in the context of Chinese Internet?