What do fashion industry commentators say? Not about fashions, but about the way the producers in the industry operate? What do the consulting companies like McKinsey and BCG and others say will happen post-COVID?

Comments: Hi, You have made a satisfactory start, but there is still work to do. To consider: What research can you do into other, similar companies that are successful. Maybe there are examples that your client could learn from? Why are some fashion houses successful? I assume it is because they are either delivering exactly what customers want at a particular time e.gor they are leading/influencing customers to buy what they produce. How to know what customers want at any particular point in time? By getting feedback on changing tastes, by getting customers to tell you somehow? As for influencing customers, isn’t that about building a brand that customers see as ‘modern’, that, if something is produced by that brand then it must be worth buying? What do fashion industry commentators say? Not about fashions, but about the way the producers in the industry operate? What do the consulting companies like McKinsey and BCG and others say will happen post-COVID? No one can accurately predict the future, but if you examine a good number of views than you may come up with a reasonable opinion that will be useful to the client? We need to hear more about the management’s thinking. Why has it made the decisions to get to where the company is now? Is their strategic thinking still relevant today? What are the strategic options for the company? Options need evaluating. E.g