What were sundown towns? How did they start and and how were they maintained? In which parts of the U.S. were sundown towns most common? In which parts of the South?

essay on sundown towns, lynching, and racial violence in the early twentieth century. Questions that you might ask yourselves include: General questions to answer include: What were sundown towns? How did they start and and how were they maintained? In which parts of the U.S. were sundown towns most common? In which parts of the South? Describe the rise of Jim Crow in the early twentieth century? What were some of the key moments or events? How was it maintained? How did it differ in the North and in the South? How did migration affect race relations and racial violence? How did lynching change in the early-to-mid twentieth century, in the North and in the South? I would like to see papers that are littered with examples, details, and references to the lecture and reading. When citing a particular passage from the reading, or quoting from the text, simply use a parenthetical reference to the chapter name and page number (Loewen, 25)