Describe your role as an organizational-level leader in your current organization.


The SGM plays a vital role in the development of organizations and its leaders. The level of responsibility of a SGM and spheres of influence will multiply exponentially. While the level of complexity will seem overwhelming at times, and forces a SGM to either adapt to this new environment or fall to the wayside. The Army doctrine will assist in achieving a better understanding of the complexity of challenges and issues that a Sergeants Major faces.


Write a substantive journal entry that describes your role as an organizational-level leader in your current organization. Additionally, the journal will examine the ways in which leadership changes at the organizational level, the utilization of critical thinking in problem framing, and the role a SGM plays in influencing the development of the organizations and its leaders. The journal entry must be between 400-700 words. Adhere to APA standards and the SMC writing requirements. Do not write in first person.