Evaluate the company in terms of corporate strategies (diversification, vertical integration, internationalisation, M&A, etc.) and business strategies (cost vs. differentiation strategies, etc.) to create competitive advantage

Title page: It is recommended to include a title page including the following sections:
· University name
· Course & module name
· Student name and student number
· Title of written organisational / sector research
· Date of submission
· Word count

Content page / structure: Regarding the structure of the essay, I would include a separate contents page stating the structure and different sections of the essay including corresponding page numbers. You already picked a very clear structure. Here are some common sections:
· Introduction to the research (what exactly is discussed and why)
· Overview of the organisation and challenges faced
· Analysis: Macro-level analysis and Micro-level analysis – Please draw on appropriate theory to support your observations and reference to range of academic and practitioner literature to add breadth and depth to the discussion.
· Strategic recommendations
· Strategic leadership
· Leading strategic transformation / implementation
· Conclusion
· References

Concepts: When applying the strategic analysis tools, it is recommended to refer to the concepts discussed in the lectures (and also in the case studies), e.g.
· Use analytical tools and frameworks to assess Where (external opportunities and threats) and How (internal strengths and weaknesses) firms compete; how the company leverages internal capabilities to seize opportunities in the external environment.
· Evaluate the company in terms of corporate strategies (diversification, vertical integration, internationalisation, M&A, etc.) and business strategies (cost vs. differentiation strategies, etc.) to create competitive advantage.
· Refer to strategic differentiation, competitive advantage and strategic choice.
· How did the company manage to implement and execute strategic choices.
· Link strategy to implementation through leadership.

Criteria: When writing up the organisational / sector analysis, I would like to point you towards the following standard assessment criteria on Masters level:
· Effective context setting to the problem/issue/organisation.
· Effective academic and/or practitioner overview of the issues being addressed (both breadth and depth of coverage; including a range of academic and practitioner literature).
· Effective critique and evaluation of the issue/topic (evidence of appropriate critical thinking).
· Well-developed arguments/discussion with clear justification throughout (clearly and coherently presented; consistent argument with relevant and appropriate support; ability to integrate theory with practice).
· Please pay extra attention to ensure provenance (i.e. that all arguments are supported by evidence) and objectivity (i.e. that the perspective presented is fair, that contrary data has been considered/not ignored).
· Effective conclusions and recommendations (clear closure to the essay).
· Correct and consistent referencing (Harvard referencing standard).