Explain,demographics, type of CHE, impact Health Effects of the CHE,safety, food, disease control, critical needs Policy Solutions

10 slide power point presentation on a current complex humanitarian emergency (CHE). The assigned CHE is the Yemen Humanitarian and Refugee Crisis. Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East, has been in the midst of ongoing civil war since 2016. Title and reference slides are separate. The 10 slides are to succinctly highlight/cover:

Description/Overview of the CHE – ex. demographics, type of CHE, impact

Health Effects of the CHE – ex. safety, food, disease control, critical needs

Policy Solutions – ex. how being addressed, prevention, intervention

Humanitarian/Financial Aid – ex. types of aid, global support, advocacy

Future Challenges – ex. political stability, pandemic, human rights
Note: Please use references within the last 5 years to present. Thank you