Identify, describe and discuss how the legal framework is relevant to the human service worker, the client, and to the organisation in your chosen statutory context.

Child Protection – Identify and describe the purpose of the child protection law in your state/territory. Discuss the relevant knowledge of the law required of a child protection worker working with children and families in a statutory child protection agency.

identify, describe and discuss how the legal framework is relevant to the human service worker, the client, and to the organisation in your chosen statutory context. Your paper needs to demonstrate knowledge of legal procedures, court or tribunal processes, and human service workers’ obligations and responsibilities in the chosen practice context. Give one or two examples of how these are evident in practice.

When appropriate, refer to the relevant legislation, and cite and interpret specific sections that are relevant. Make sure all sources are properly cited and use your own words to describe your understanding of any facts or ideas discussed, rather than use strings of quotes.

2000 words (excluding references and appendices). You must remain within 10% of the word limit (maximum 1% of the overall mark will be deducted for every 100 words over or below). The word count is considered from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion.

I have attached a word document called Law Essay 2000 words Task Sheet with all the relevant requirements on it.
Thank you.