What has surprised you when you’ve met people from other countries?

Since we live in such a diverse and multi-ethnic city we come into contact with people from different cultural, emotional, and geographic regions within the US, and throughout the world.

Because we are all touched by culture, can you share an example where you can into conflict or built new forms of collaboration with someone because of or in spite of cultural differences?

What has surprised you when you’ve met people from other countries?

This can be based on different beliefs, languages, attitudes, religion, education, economics, or racial-ethnic differences.

No names and try to frame the discussion on the facts. Share your feelings, but please do not use any words or terminology that may be offensive.

Remember, this is an anthropology class so try to keep our own biases to a minimum. Relate base on a Africa American. i Have also attached some slide to help. Please focus on the questions.